What to Do Before Microneedling Treatments

Microneedling is quickly becoming one of the most popular treatments in the beauty industry. It is known for promoting collagen production. In addition, microneedling targets skin concerns such as enlarged pores, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven complexion. Best of all, the treatment is low-maintenance and requires minimal preparation.

Microneedling is a safe, natural way to resurface your skin. Treatments like Morpheus8 can rejuvenate your skin by boosting collagen production, which elevates your appearance. The routine will enhance skin texture, reduce scarring or pigmentation, and lessen wrinkles. In addition, microneedling is considered safe for almost everyone. It works in sync with your body's natural healing capabilities, resulting in minimal discomfort and little downtime.

You may maximize your microneedling and Morpheus8 results with several easy preparations before the appointments. Let's learn about what to do before microneedling treatments:

Before microneedling

Before microneedling

To prepare for a microneedling session, you should first ensure that your skin is in good enough health to undergo the procedure. You should not get microneedling done if you have an active skin infection or breakout. That includes hives, cold sores, allergic reactions, psoriasis, eczema or acne. You should reschedule if your skin is not clear on the day of your appointment.

Numbing cream before microneedling

Numbing cream before microneedling

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure and may not cause much discomfort for many people. Still, some individuals prefer using a numbing cream before microneedling. The bony areas on your face, like your forehead, can be more sensitive. A numbing cream may help smoothen the discomfort. If you have applied a numbing cream, the technician will adjust the correct pressure to deliver an optimal microneedling treatment.

What to avoid before microneedling

What to avoid before microneedling

Some products or activities may interfere with the outcome of your microneedling treatments. You can maximize the results by adjusting your routine to avoid several habits. Here is what not to do before microneedling treatments:

1. Sun exposure before microneedling

You should avoid sun exposure before a microneedling treatment. Protect your skin from sunlight for at least 24 hours before the microneedling session. Excessive sun exposure, including the UV rays from a tanning bed, can cause your skin to become irritated before the treatment. If you plan to spend time outside, wear a strong sunscreen with high SPF to shield your skin.

2. Retinol before microneedling

You should temporarily stop using skincare products containing retinol before a microneedling treatment. Retinoids may interfere with the treatment, causing your skin to become dry or irritated. Likewise, you should avoid acid-based products for similar reasons. 

3. Exfoliate before microneedling

No, you should not exfoliate before microneedling. Put your exfoliator away for 2 to 3 days. Instead, use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer leading up to your session. This way, you can have clean and dry skin when you arrive for your microneedling treatment.

4. Waxing before microneedling

Don't do any waxing before microneedling. Stay away from laser hair removal or other similar treatments for the week before your appointment. In addition, hold off on using hair-removal creams or electrolysis. If hair is in the treatment area, you can shave it the day before your appointment.

5. Chemical peel before microneedling

Avoid doing chemical peels at least two weeks before your microneedling session. This treatment may make the skin more sensitive and prone to irritation. Similarly, you should reschedule laser treatments or Botox injections for a later time.

6. Alcohol before microneedling

Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before the microneedling appointment. Likewise, try not to drink anything caffeinated. These beverages can promote bruising and inflammation, which hinder the healing process. Instead, maintain a healthy diet with foods rich in vitamin C. Similarly, be mindful of your water intake to stay properly hydrated. These habits support collagen production, allowing your skin to heal faster after microneedling. They also help reduce any inflammation you might experience.

Medications before microneedling

Medications before microneedling

Refrain from anti-inflammatory medications for at least three days before your microneedling treatment. That includes Advil, Motrin, or others containing ibuprofen. These anti-inflammatories can interfere with the natural inflammatory process vital for your skin's rejuvenation. 

If you take a blood thinner, you may need to stop taking it for 1 to 3 days before your appointment. Consult your doctor before the microneedling treatment and follow their medical advice. Aspirin, fish oils, Vitamin E and Omega 3 are all known to thin the blood, so it's best to avoid them for a few days.

With Accutane or a similar medication, stop using this product for six months before considering microneedling. These drugs can heighten your skin's sensitivity, making it more prone to irritation. Also, most people take these prescriptions to treat active acne, which can make your skin more susceptible to bacterial infections.

Are you prone to getting cold sores? If so, consult your doctor about taking an antiviral for at least two days before your microneedling session.

Beauty Begins Now

For questions, guidance, or more information, call Beauty Med today or contact us to schedule your free consultation at our cosmetic acupuncture clinic in Richmond Hill.